Please refer to the special conditions associated with the schools you are applying for to determine if your child is required to complete an Edutest testing session and what, if any, additional information or processes are required by the school.
Parents and students are urged to think carefully when registering for scholarship and entrance testing for selected Edutest schools or before purchasing online practice tests.
The prices listed on the website are inclusive of GST (10%). Online payment is made using one of the credit cards listed on the site (VISA and Mastercard only) via the payment gateway. Payment must be received by the application deadline in order for the child to be registered. Practice tests can only be purchased via the online payment system.
Other essential information:
- You must use the same email address for all your Edutest registrations.
- Payment is made online at the end of each application. Therefore, if you registered for three schools, then three separate payments must be made; one for each school.
- Please note that each school sets their own registration fee.
- If a student is registered for multiple Edutest tests on the same day Edutest will automatically allocate the school where the student will sit the test. Results will be transferred to all schools to whom you have applied provided that the schools have opted to allow the transfer of results. A list of schools who are currently accepting registrations can be viewed by clicking on the button below. If an assessment is closed then the testing is yet to occur, but registrations are no longer being accepted.
Testing dates
For schools that are part of the results transfer process:
- Each student can only sit for one Edutest testing session during terms one and two each year. The results will then be transferred, as required, to the other schools with which the student is registered and that have test dates within that period.
- Each student can only sit for one Edutest testing session in term three and one testing session in term four each year. The results will then be transferred, as required, to the other schools with which the student is registered and that have test dates within that period.
- The student must sit on the earliest test date in each period e.g. if you choose two schools, with School A testing on February 28th and School B testing on March 1st, then the student must sit the test on February 28th with the results being sent to School B after they test. Results cannot be back transferred.
- The Selective Entry High Schools (VIC and NSW) have their own results transfer process. You must read the special conditions on each school’s registration site.
For schools that have an assessment which is not part of the results transfer process:
- A small number of school assessments are not part of the general results transfer process. These schools will display this statement in the special conditions of their registration site: There is no sharing or transferring of results. Students applying to one of these schools and an additional school will be required to complete more than one testing session.