Frequently asked questions

Practice tests
How do I purchase Edutest practice tests?
How do I select a test level for the practice tests?
Can I pause a practice test?
Can I repeat a practice test?
How can I view my practice test results?
Can I order paper copies of the tests or can I print the tests out?
What if I have more than one student needing to take the tests?
How long are practice tests valid for?

How do I purchase Edutest practice tests?

If you have already registered with Edutest then log in with your email address and password.

If you have not already registered, then do so using your email address and setup a password. OK

How do I select a test level for the practice tests?

We recommend that students attempt practice tests at their current school year level.

The practice test year level is chosen when the test is accessed.

Once a practice test year level has been selected the year level cannot be changed for that test. A different level may be selected for subsequent tests.

If a student has already completed all tests at their current year level, we suggest future tests are selected at the level above. OK

Can I pause a practice test?

A practice test is not timed and can be paused and resumed as often as required. Please select Pause and then log out.

When you wish to come back to the test click on Resume beside the test that was being worked on.

Do not choose to re-run a test as this starts a new test and uses another test credit. OK

Can I repeat a practice test?

To repeat a test, either for a different child, or for further practice, log into the practice tests and select Start new test.

The option to repeat a test is available by clicking the Rerun button.

Repeating a test will use another test credit and the questions are unchanged. OK

How can I view my practice test results?

Once a test is completed and closed by the user the results are calculated and displayed.

The questions and answers will be available for review for the 90-day usage period.


Can I order paper copies of the tests or can I print the tests out?

All Edutest Practice Tests are conducted online and are interactive and so must be completed online.

Tests cannot be posted to you or printed. OK

What if I have more than one student needing to take the tests?

When a practice test is selected you will be asked to enter the student name. The test selection screen will then show which tests each student has completed.

If the same test set is selected for a different student then another test credit will be used. OK

How long are practice tests valid for?

Practice tests are valid for 90 days from the date of purchase.

After this time they expire and will no longer be accessible for review or completion.

No extensions will be granted. OK