Important information

Test preparation
Scholarship and entrance tests are quite demanding and are designed to identify the highest academically achieving students.

Before a student takes an Edutest test it is important for them to be aware of the following things and to manage their expectations. It is a highly competitive process.

It is important to understand that when sitting a scholarship or entrance test, most students will only get half of the questions correct. Most scholarship/entrance tests are designed in such a way that many students will not finish every question.

Points are not deducted for incorrect or unanswered questions.

Student results are determined based on a comparison to results achieved by thousands of other students in the same year level across Australia.

Photo ID
Photographic Identification may be required on the day of the test. If required, students must bring one of the following forms of Photo ID to the test:

In the absence of approved photographic ID, a photograph of the student will be taken at the testing. Photographs will not be used for any purpose other than student identification. Once student identification is checked, photos taken on the test day will be destroyed/deleted.

Requests for Special Testing Arrangements
If a student has a disability or chronic medical condition, parents may contact either the school or Edutest with a request for Special Testing Arrangements for the student. Decisions regarding Special Testing Arrangements are made by individual schools.

Requests for Special Testing Arrangements must be made no later than 14 days prior to a testing date. Arrangements cannot be facilitated in the week of the testing.

Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be supported by evidence of the applicant's learning support needs and the support/s provided in testing conditions at the applicant's current school.

The usual process with requests for special testing arrangements is for the parent to first provide either the school or Edutest with a copy of a report from the diagnosing or treating professional, which is no more than 12 months old, that clearly outlines recommendations.

Note that adjustments that are appropriate in a learning environment may not be appropriate in an assessment environment.

If documentation is provided to Edutest, it will be shared with the school via a secure portal.

Once relevant documentation has been provided, it is then up to the school what, if any, accommodations they approve. When a school approves Special Testing Arrangements, alternate test sittings are generally conducted on a school day, supervised by school staff.

Should a student be coughing or sneezing consistently during a testing, a decision will be made by the school as to whether to remove the student from the testing.

In cases of a student being unable to attend a testing session due to severe illness or misadventure, a medical certificate must be provided to Edutest by email The medical certificate must indicate the student was too unwell to attend the testing and must be received by midday of the first working day after the testing.

Provision of a medical certificate does not automatically qualify a student to an alternative arrangement or special consideration.

Medical conditions: If the student has a serious, ongoing medical condition e.g. diabetes, anaphylaxis which you believe the school needs to know about for the testing day, an email must be sent to no later than 14 days prior to the testing date.

Edutest does not provide student reports or results to parents. Once Edutest has completed the test and data analysis, results are provided to the client schools for the selection process. All enquiries regarding the outcome of the test should be directed to the school.

Each school's selection process timeline differs and can take from 3 - 8 weeks from the date of the test. The time could be longer depending on the school's selection process, number of applicants and number of places being offered.

Schools set their own criteria for entrance and are the sole decision maker when awarding places.
Please refer to the school's information pack or the school's website for further information.

Parent reports
Once all tests have been scored, schools may provide parents with a report that provides information about a student's performance in comparison to other students at the same year level.

Edutest does not supply this information directly to parents and some schools choose not to share these reports with parents.

If, eight weeks after the test, you are yet to receive communication from the school, please contact them directly. The issuing of the Parent Report is at the sole discretion of the school.